Worship which Lifts the Spirit
Music which Feeds the Soul
-Senior (Vocal) Choir
- Bell choir
- Children's Choir
- Men's Fellowship
-Women's Fellowship
-"Young Adults Fellowship
for Seniors and Retirees
-Youth programs for: 4th & 5th graders,
jr. high, and sr. high.
-Various events throughout the year.
Parish Nurse Program
Presently we have five certified parish nurses who work with various health related issues in our congregation.
Community Outreach and Mission
- Food Pantry
-Divorce Care
-Tai Chi
(Diet Encouragement Group)
-Partners in various outreach events
with Rotary, Civitan, Chamber of Commerce,
the local schools, library,
Linton Ministerial Association etc.
Habitat for Humanity
- Regularly scheduled youth and adult mission trips
-An exciting program for children and youth
(See related article)
-Three Sunday morning adult classes
-Various scheduled midweek Bible studies
-Vacation Bible School